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Actors: Mel Brooks,Lesley Ann Warren,Jeffrey Tambor,Stuart Pankin,Howard Morris,Rudy De Luca,Teddy Wilson,Michael Ensign,Matthew Faison,Billy Barty,Brian Thompson,Raymond O'Connor,Carmine Caridi,Sammy Shore,Frank Roman
Year: 1991
Imdb: click here

"Growing up around downtown LA as a kid in the seventies didn't look much different than it does today as far as the kinds of odd characters you'll run into while passing through it and I think this movie really captures some of the authentic types of characters you meet when you really get to know them, but you also run into those other types that are always looking for trouble as also depicted in this Mel Brooks movie who brings a lighter and even comical side to this scenario that is so prevalent and filmed in downtown Los Angeles"

Life Stinks trailer

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