Actors: Anthony Starke,George Clooney,Karen M. Waldron,Steve Lundquist,John Astin,Charlie Jones,J. Stephen Peace,Michael Villani,Frank Davis,Harvey Weber,John De Bello,Ian Hutton,Gordon Howard,Rick Rockwell,Costa Dillon
Genre: Year: 1988
Imdb: click here " ("Hey, has there been a chase scene in this movie yet?")A young, big-haired George Clooney delivers dozens of one-liners perfectly [this is not a big surprise, actually], the visual jokes are a riot (the overdone "product placement" is brilliant, especially considering its juxtaposition with the completely silly "fight scene" featuring cowboys, ninjas, bikers, and a really bad impersonation of Muamar Ghadafi), John Astin's totally-over-the-top "evil doctor" character is so deliberately bad it's good, the little sideline parodies are excellent (Oliver North Federal Prison? Full Contact America's Cup Yachting?)"