Actors: Jackie Chan,José Ferrer,Kristine DeBell,Mako,Ron Max,David Sheiner,Rosalind Chao,Lenny Montana,Pat E. Johnson,Mary Ellen O'Neill,H.B. Haggerty,Chao Li Chi,Joycelyne Lew,Peter Marc Jacobson,Marcus K. Mukai
Genre: Year: 1980
Imdb: click here "With a series of unsuitable opponents (mostly American wrestlers and muscle-men), Chan is unable to make the most of his incredible speed and timing, his fights looking rather slow and laboured in comparison to the action in his Hong Kong films, where he is pitted against other martial artists; poor choreography and sloppy editing also serve to weaken any impact the action scenes might have had, something that is particularly noticeable during the film's major non-martial arts sequence, the roller skating race that is about as adrenaline pumping as a knitting competition (knit one, pearl one Jackiewhat a rush!)"