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Watch Jock of the Bushveld online

Where to watch Jock of the Bushveld

Actors: Bryan Adams,Donald Sutherland,Helen Hunt,Ted Danson,Desmond Tutu,Mandy Patinkin,William Baldwin,Bongani Nxumalo,Theo Landey,Makenzie Hart,Jason Kennett,Michael De Pinna,Anthony Bishop,Robert Hobbs,Dianne Simpson
Year: 2011
Imdb: click here

"Animation was at times basic in parts yes but beautiful in others the human characters were better than the animals for the most part, there the criticism ends while not my cup of tea meaning its south African content of which I am not that knowledgeable I took the film for what it was a children's adventure as for the morals that it teaches that those other critics deem so important I thought there were only two good beats evil and the little guy can sometimes beat the big one"

Jock of the Bushveld trailer

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