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Actors: Fouad Mourigh,Farhane El Hamchaoui,Jones Kruijne,Remco Alberts,Julien de Roover,Katja Schuurman,Johnny de Mol,Steve Hooi,Thijs Römer,Gijs Naber,Jaffar Reynold Nicolaas,Illias Aâziz,Najim Laoukili,Lore Dijkman,Gerrit Zalm
Year: 2004
Imdb: click here

"Since the last movie I had seen from this director my expectations were more than met, but this time Theo van Gogh made a huge mistake to think that you can make a good movie that will impress people by giving young juveniles the opportunity to play a part in a sort of hard life thug story"

Cool! trailer

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