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Watch The Sensuous Teenager online

Where to watch The Sensuous Teenager

Actors: Sandra Julien,Janine Reynaud,Yves Vincent,Patrick Verde,Michel Lemoine,Alain Hitier,Bob Ingarao,Michel Charrel,Michel Vocoret,Hélène Tossy,Richard Saint-Bris,France-Noëlle,Colette Mareuil,Denis Seurat,Odile Astie
Year: 1971
Imdb: click here

" However, visually the film is very well-made and it features sumptuous European actresses like Jean Rollin's regular Julien and Jess Franco regular Reynaud (rather than the pimply anonymous Times Square skanks that were in the American sexploitation movies of the era)"

The Sensuous Teenager trailer

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