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Watch L'ange de goudron online

Where to watch L'ange de goudron

Actors: Zinedine Soualem,Hiam Abbass,Raba Aït Ouyahhia,Catherine Trudeau,Kenza Abiabdillah,Marc Beaupré,Koumba Ball,Raymond Cloutier,Gary Boudreault,Igor Ovadis,François Papineau,Maude Guérin,Pierre Muzadi,Françoise Lemieux,Alexandrine Agostini
Year: 2001
Imdb: click here

"With Huguette (his son's girlfriend, a tattoo artist), he leaves in a truck, "borrowed" to his former employer, for the Temiscamingue region where they try to convince this 19 years old revolutionnary not to destroy, with twenty guys, a bunch of passports"

L'ange de goudron trailer

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