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Watch H3 - Halloween Horror Hostel online

Where to watch H3 - Halloween Horror Hostel

Actors: Peter Bosch,Max Giermann,Holger Gotha,Mike Krüger,Alfonso Losa,Mathias Lösel,Ivonne Schönherr,Axel Stein,Christian Tramitz,Jennifer Ulrich,Hendrik von Bültzingslöwen,Mirjam Weichselbraun,Anni Wendler,Santiago Ziesmer
Year: 2008
Imdb: click here

" Germans trying to spoof American horror movies? Yes, you're absolutely right - this can only go wrong! Even two of the most successful German comedians, Axel Stein and Christian Tramitz, can't save this piece of "

H3 - Halloween Horror Hostel trailer

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