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Watch Tup-akka-lakko online

Where to watch Tup-akka-lakko

Actors: Spede Pasanen,Vesa-Matti Loiri,Simo Salminen,Heikki Kinnunen,Olavi Ahonen,Helge Herala,Tenho Saurén,Maarit Halme,Johanna Raunio,Leo Lastumäki,Hannele Lauri,Merja Tammi,Mai-Brit Heljo,Tapio Hämäläinen,Juhani Kumpulainen
Year: 1980
Imdb: click here

"Great Finnish name-actors make typical and funny performances all way long and ecspecially Loiri shows again, how greatly he makes different characters (in here we see also Uuno Turhapuro)"

Tup-akka-lakko trailer

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