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Watch Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom online

Where to watch Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom

Actors: Bishop Agapit,Catherine Ashton,Serhii Averchenko,Kristina Berdinskikh,Pavlo Dobryanskyy,Valery Dovgiy,Bogdan Dubas,Kurganskyi Eduard,Mykhailo Havryliuk,Natan Hazin,His Holiness The Patriarch of Kyiv and Ukraine Filaret,Dmytro Holubnychy,Timur Ibragimov,Said Ismagilov,Cissy Jones
Year: 2015
Imdb: click here

"As the people took to the streets in greater numbers, Yanukovych assumed greater dictatorial power through the Parliament and attempted to rule an unwilling public through force"

Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom trailer

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