Actors: Jean Texier,Clément Godefroy,Théophile Baquet,Louis Dussol,Harold Werner,Nathan Parent,Ilona Bachelier,Thomas Goldberg,Laetitia Casta,Guillaume Canet,Kad Merad,Gérard Jugnot,Marie Bunel,François Morel,Grégory Gatignol
Genre: Year: 2011
Imdb: click here "Louis Pergaud is barely mentioned in the cast and credits ,the "screenwriters" taking the lion's share ;it must be said that the book has undergone lots of changes as Robert did in the early sixties:but whereas Robert transposed the action to his era,this new version chose the end of WW2,with its resistant fighters,the collaborators and traitors,the Jews protected by the Justs"