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Watch The Violent Four online

Where to watch The Violent Four

Actors: Gian Maria Volontè,Tomas Milian,Margaret Lee,Don Backy,Ezio Sancrotti,Ray Lovelock,Piero Mazzarella,Laura Solari,Pietro Martellanza,Carla Gravina,Luigi Rossetti,María Rosa Sclauzero,Ida Meda,'Bang Bang' Toto Ruta,Evi Rossi Scotti
Year: 1968
Imdb: click here

"Scene-eating star Gian Maria Volonte puts in a high energy madman performance as the leader of the gang of bandits, grinning and simpering megalomaniacally throughout (and particularly evil-sounding in the German-dubbed version, Die Banditen von Mailand)"

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