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Actors: Leïla Bekhti,Géraldine Nakache,Manu Payet,Nader Boussandel,Baptiste Lecaplain,Marthe Villalonga,Dree Hemingway,Sienna Miller,Nicole LaLiberte,Ronald Schultz,Haviland Morris,Alexandra Metz,Roderick Hill,Mark Cox,Bob Ari
Year: 2012
Imdb: click here

" First, I expected a sequel from "Tout ce qui brille" and it took me more than ten minutes to understand it wasn't even if three members of the original cast was there in nearly identical characters! After coming back from being lost, the movie becomes dull because it was a collage of leisure moments in the big apple: that is to say no dialog, loud (but good) songs, failed fun moments"

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