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Watch I nostri ragazzi online

Where to watch I nostri ragazzi

Actors: Alessandro Gassman,Giovanna Mezzogiorno,Luigi Lo Cascio,Barbora Bobulova,Rosabell Laurenti Sellers,Jacopo Olmo Antinori,Lidia Vitale,Antonio Salines,Roberto Accornero,Giada Fradeani,Cristina Puccinelli,Lupo De Matteo,Adamo Dionisi,Sharon Alessandri,Antonio Grosso
Year: 2014
Imdb: click here

" Their fragile balancing act of respectability and class now shattered, the two families navigate the repercussions of this senseless assault, revealing in the process the skewed priorities and moral shortcomings of their privileged, insulated perspectives"

I nostri ragazzi trailer

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