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Watch Old Hags online

Where to watch Old Hags

Actors: Lyudmila Gurchenko,Liya Akhedzhakova,Svetlana Kryuchkova,Irina Kupchenko,Nikolay Fomenko,Valentin Gaft,Roman Kartsev,Mikhail Evdokimov,Mamuka Kikaleishvili,Nina Ter-Osipyan,Andrei Rezvyakov,Mikhail Derzhavin,Valentina Talyzina,Evgeniy Voskresenskiy,Igor Pismennyy
Year: 2000
Imdb: click here

" The ladies, "Old Hags" of the English title, are all a scream and the situations and scrapes they get into are all of their own making on their way to reclaiming the central Moscow apartment which has been taken over by an out of town 'gangster' whilst they are living in a leased house in the middle of a cemetery"

Old Hags trailer

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