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Watch Carnival Night online

Where to watch Carnival Night

Actors: Igor Ilyinsky,Lyudmila Gurchenko,Yuri Belov,Georgiy Kulikov,Sergey Filippov,Olga Vlasova,Andrei Tutyshkin,Tamara Nosova,Gennadi Yudin,Vladimir Zeldin,Boris Petker,Y. Gusakov,Valentin Bryleev,Boris Gusakov,I. Khmelnitsky
Year: 1956
Imdb: click here

" Sergei Fillipov is particularly funny as a tipsy lecturer who is invited by Ogurtsov to read a lecture about life on Mars on the New Years Eve, and Yuri Belov is good as a shy electrician who is in love with Lena Krylova(Gurchenko) The film is a light "feeling good" viewing, it is ageless and can be watched over and over again"

Carnival Night trailer

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