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Watch Final Accord online

Where to watch Final Accord

Actors: Willy Birgel,Lil Dagover,Mária Tasnádi Fekete,Maria Koppenhöfer,Theodor Loos,Peter Bosse,Albert Lippert,Kurt Meisel,Hella Graf,Erich Ponto,Paul Otto,Alexander Engel,Walter Werner,Eva Tinschmann,Erna Berger
Year: 1936
Imdb: click here

"There are sequences which predate Sierck's future works: a drunken guy wearing a carnival mask entering the heroine 's room at a dramatic moment makes one think of this skeleton bursting into an apartment in "tanished angels" (1957);the trial predates that of "written on the wind"(1956) with its new developments;and the final is almost as pompous as the ending of "imitation of life" (1959)"

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