Actors: Emmanuelle Riva,George Shannon,Hachemi Marzouk,Marco Perrin,François Chatelet,Marie-France,Gerard Borlant,Jean Chalon,Raoul Curet,Luc Guérin,Antoine Marin,Pedro Meca,Gilles Meyer,Myriam Mézières,Camilo Otero
Genre: Year: 1973
Imdb: click here "This was my third Arrabal movie after VIVA LA MUERTE (1971) and THE GUERNICA TREE (1975); all three were released as a DVD Collection by Cult Films – however, I came to own all of them via alternate formats…which, frankly, saved me from doling out my hard-earned cash for the set (especially since I only really liked THE GUERNICA TREE)!To be honest, Arrabal has here reconfirmed himself an exponent of the kind of Surrealism which I find hollow, ostentatious and positively grating – much like the work of his contemporary Alejandro Jodorowsky (though in his case I’m 50/50, as at least I’m partial to two of the four films I’ve watched so far)"