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Watch Sons of Liberty online

Where to watch Sons of Liberty

Actors: Tamer Hassan,Keith David,Elyse Levesque,Mark Sheppard,Neil Dickson,Adam Cardon,Catalina Soto-Aguilar Kind,Chelsea Bruland,Karmen Capella,Casey Myers,Jaylen Moore,Susan LeCourt-Barbe,Philip Fornah,Dan Braverman,Brittney Alger
Year: 2013
Imdb: click here

"To say that Sons of Liberty is a good film would be a lie, but to say it lacks creativity and moments of genuine movie-making skill would be a disservice to a film that at times shuns it's low end budget and becomes a solidly entertaining action/thriller that a singular acting spark would of ignited into being a real 90 minute blast"

Sons of Liberty trailer

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