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Watch Dracula III: Legacy online

Where to watch Dracula III: Legacy

Actors: Jason Scott Lee,Stephen Billington,Diane Neal,Jason London,Rutger Hauer,Ilinca Goia,George Grigore,Roy Scheider,Tom Kane,Alexandra Wescourt,Serban Celea,Gavril Patru,Giuliano Doman,Valentin Popescu,Nicodim Ungureanu
Year: 2005
Imdb: click here

" Rutger Hauer is always cool in my book (and he has previous experience at playing a vampire), but as much as I enjoyed his performance, he does look a bit too 'weathered' here to be playing Dracula (what's with the messy stubble?), especially considering that Stephen Billington and Gerard Butler played the character in the earlier films"

Dracula III: Legacy trailer

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