Actors: María Félix,Pedro Infante,Andrés Soler,Carlos Orellana,Miguel Arenas,Manuel Arvide,Guillermo Bravo Sosa,Polo Ramos,Eduardo Fajardo,Julio Aldama,Alicia del Lago
Genre: Year: 1956
Imdb: click here "The last Film of the duo Rodriguez-Infante,didn't result so spectacular as someone could expect, even it get together the greatest star of the Mexican Movies,Pedro Infante and Maria Felix, everyone in a character according with their personality,Rodriguez, viewed Infante'simplicity comparable with a Mexican Indigenous,however he exaggerated to give him very infantile manners,with Maria's character he didn't have so much to add, that is to say she was haughty and arrogant exactly same of the actress,the popular sense of the Ismael Rodriguez matched perfectly with all the folklore shown in the film,the indigenous traditions,several kind of rituals,and others things which impress foreign audience, maybe more than the story that Rodriguez try to tell, for example we can see to Infante sing a curios song to the Virgen Mary in the church later he did the same to Maria, who confuse( first time he saw her) with the virgin,but this is not an impediment to pretend to get married with her ,more convincing than the starring couple is Julio Aldama as the mean Indian Nicuil "