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Actors: Louie Bonanno,Tracey Adams,Jim Abele,Veronica Hart,Eddie Prevot,Derrick R. Roberts,Philip Campanaro,Michael Heintzman,Douglas Gibson,Edward R. Mallia,Steven Shaw,Jeanne Marie,Gretchen Kingsley,Everett Sherman Jr.,Thomas K. Belgrey
Year: 1986
Imdb: click here

" Wimps, like Deranged (1987), begins with Francis' (Louie Bonanno) unforgettable graphic initiation into the fraternity Bi Beta Kappa involving spaghetti and a body harness that symbolically marks his decent into a society filled with vengeful slum-lords, political extremists, and Roxanne (Deborah Blaisdell) the luscious librarian of his dreams"

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