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Actors: Alicia Vikander,David Dencik,Anna Bjelkerud,Mira Eklund,Henrik Norlén,Simon J. Berger,Lisa Carlehed,Johan Jonason,Ben Kamijo,Emmeli Johansson Stjärnfeldt,Victor Trägårdh,Leif Edlund Johansson,Jakob Tamm,Ylva Nilsson,David Fukamachi Regnfors
Year: 2013
Imdb: click here

" While notable for its atmospheric milieu depictions, reverent cinematography by cinematographer Simon Pramsten and production design by production designer Catharina Nyqvist Ehrnrooth, this character-driven and dialog-driven story about handling pain and how much you can change yourself to become another person without losing yourself by a director whom is sincerely remembered for her commendable directorial debut "Pure" (2010), depicts a gripping and psychological study of character and contains a great and timely score by composers John Berthling and Andreas Söderström"

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