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Actors: Marina Foïs,Guillaume Canet,Océane Decaudain,Anne Benoît,Marc Brunet,Sissi Duparc,Hervé Lassïnce,Eloïse Charretier,Daniel Milgram,Etienne Allemand,Samuel Allemand,Christel Baras,Kate Blanchard,Olivier Blin,Raphaël Bouvet
Year: 2007
Imdb: click here

"This diversely humorous and dramatically serious drama from the late 2000s which is set in France in the 21st century, is impelled and reinforced by its cogent narrative structure, substantial character development, noteworthy acting performance by French actress Marina Foïs and the commendable acting performances by French actress Océane Décaudain and French actor Guillaume Canet"

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