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Actors: Evgeniy Mironov,Anna Chipovskaya,Vinnie Jones,Nikita Panfilov,Kirill Kozakov,Ivan Verkhovykh,Vladas Bagdonas,Irene Muscara,Linda Nigmatullina,Aleksey Kolubkov,Pyotr Skovtsov,Anna Popova,Walter Grímsson,Davíð Freyr Þórunnarson,Sergey Chikhachyov
Year: 2014
Imdb: click here

" Ervin (Evgeniy Mironov) and Kristi (Anna Chipovskaya) attempt to cross the wasteland on their own, while the others stay together under the leadership of the brutal criminal Yust (Vinnie Jones), believing he is the only one who can take them across the 'swamp' (actually a stony desert in Iceland) alive"

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