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Where to watch Ivory Tower

Actors: Elizabeth Armstrong,Richard Arum,Jamshed Bharucha,David Boone,Jerry Brown,Peter Buckley,Anthony Carnevale,Clayton Christensen,Michael Crow,Andrew Delbanco,Drew Gilpin Faust,Peter Hadreaas,Laura Hamilton,John Hennessy,Ellen Junn
Year: 2014
Imdb: click here

"What & where are the tools needed to fix US higher education? And "education" meaning what? Do Americans themselves fundamentally believe in intellectual education or practical training? Why is there such a profound lack of agreed-upon national levels for skills and knowledge? Why in effect are so many "nonprofit" universities dysfunctional, profit-making corporations? Why the blood-sucking banks living off of student loans and ex-students' careers ruined, stifled, threatened because of the student loan Sword of Damocles? Does this problem exist because, at heart, the USA is deeply anti-intellectual? Because other values rate higher? Like success or money or privilege and pleasure? What now? Thank you"

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