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Where to watch The Invisible Eye

Actors: Julieta Zylberberg,Ailín Salas,Osmar Núñez,Tomás Pernich,Jorge García Marino,Marta Lubos,Pablo Sigal,Guido Moran,Gastón Luparo,Samuel Perez,Diego Vegezzi,Magdalena Capobianco,Ariel Matías Morosín,Félix Tornquist,Leandro Rivas
Year: 2011
Imdb: click here

"Diego Lerman's third feature film is a tense and aesthetic socio-political fictional drama that takes place in the year of 1982, where the streets are over-flooded by protestants who are opposed to the military dictatorship in Argentina and behind thick, solid walls 21-year-old assistant teacher Marita Teresa is appointed with a secret mission where she has to supervise the students at a school in Buenos Aires and reveal eventual moral offenses"

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