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Watch Texas, Adios online

Where to watch Texas, Adios

Actors: Franco Nero,Alberto Dell'Acqua,Elisa Montés,José Guardiola,Livio Lorenzon,Hugo Blanco,Luigi Pistilli,Antonella Murgia,Gino Pernice,Giovanni Ivan Scratuglia,Silvana Bacci,Remo De Angelis,Mario Novelli,José Suárez
Year: 1966
Imdb: click here

" Baldi and the producers for the relative poorness (which I must also disagree with--there have been much, much worse dubbing jobs) of the dub is the same sort of ill-informed ignorance that says that the Godzilla films produced by Toho Studios in Japan are "badly acted" because the American dubbing is sub-par"

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