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Actors: Fyodor Dunayevsky,Anastasiya Nemolyaeva,Oleg Basilashvili,Inna Churikova,Svetlana Kryuchkova,Aleksandr Pankratov-Chyornyy,Vladimir Menshov,Aleftina Evdokimova,Yevdokiya Urusova,Vladimir Smirnov,Andrei Vertogradov,Alika Smekhova,Sergey Chonishvili,Vladimir Dyomin,Arkadi Ides
Year: 1987
Imdb: click here

" The best example of this film's artistic mischievousness is reflected in a scene wherein the film's protagonist, claiming some lines by the great Russian poet Pushkin as his own, confidently reads them to impress an influential person"

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