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Watch Samson & Sally online

Where to watch Samson & Sally

Actors: Jesper Klein,Helle Hertz,Per Pallesen,Bodil Udsen,Poul Thomsen,Kirsten Peüliche,Berthe Qvistgaard,Claus Ryskjær,Preben Neergaard,Ole Ernst,Staffan Hallerstam,Mathias Henrikson,Heinz Hopf,Ingvar Kjellson,Louise Ræder
Year: 1984
Imdb: click here

" The film is mostly sad (though it has a happy ending), and looking back on it, I think it's not all that suitable for four or five years old, because the theme that is death occurs a couple of times in the film, and that may be scary at times"

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