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Watch Seal Team Eight: Behind Enemy Lines online

Where to watch Seal Team Eight: Behind Enemy Lines

Actors: Tom Sizemore,Lex Shrapnel,Anthony Oseyemi,Michael Everson,Darron Meyer,Aurélie Meriel,Colin Moss,Langley Kirkwood,Tanya van Graan,Dylan Edy,Leroy Gopal,Bonnie Lee Bouman,Eugene Khumbanyiwa,Warrick Grier,Keeno Lee Hector
Year: 2014
Imdb: click here

" It's not even a good idea for a charity project but what amazes me is how they got a halfway decent cast, and what seems to be a huge amount of funding and the backing of one of the largest Hollywood production studios all to produce this atrocity"

Seal Team Eight: Behind Enemy Lines trailer

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