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Watch Pierre and Djemila (Pierre et Djemila) online

Where to watch Pierre and Djemila (Pierre et Djemila)

Actors: Abdelkader,Djedjigua Ait-Hamouda,Jean-Pierre André,Jacques Brunet,Fatia Cheeba,Fatiha Cheriguene,Francine Debaisieux,Séverine Debaisieux,Abdelkader Djerouni,Lakhdar Kasri,Svetlana Novak,Nadja Reski,Salah Teskouk
Year: 1987
Imdb: click here

"Unfortunately,Djemilah's brother is a fundamentalist :he does not like France and he is about to get back to his native Algeria to do his military service and to become a citizen there "

Pierre and Djemila (Pierre et Djemila) trailer

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