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Watch Manufacturing Reality: Slavoj Zizek and the Reality of the Virtual (Slavoj Zizek: The Reality of the online

Where to watch Manufacturing Reality: Slavoj Zizek and the Reality of the Virtual (Slavoj Zizek: The Reality of the

Actors: Slavoj Zizek
Year: 2004
Imdb: click here

" This time, however, there isn't so much of the sexual side to it all (not that Freud isn't brought up more than once in the lecture), so much as there is a discourse on the "real-real", about what constitutes reality combined with 'imagined reality' (sort of face-value reality that may have truth even if it's not a deep truth) and 'symbolic reality' (the structures of capitalism, or rather modernity), into something that is very complex"

Manufacturing Reality: Slavoj Zizek and the Reality of the Virtual (Slavoj Zizek: The Reality of the trailer

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