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Watch Belle and Sebastien (Belle et Sébastien) online

Where to watch Belle and Sebastien (Belle et Sébastien)

Actors: Félix Bossuet,Tchéky Karyo,Margaux Chatelier,Dimitri Storoge,Andreas Pietschmann,Urbain Cancelier,Mehdi El Glaoui,Paloma Palma,Karine Adrover,Loïc Varraut,Jan Oliver Schroeder,Tom Sommerlatte,Andrée Damant,Pasquale D'Inca,Eric Soubelet
Year: 2013
Imdb: click here

" One day, Sebastian is walking in the hills and encounters the dog—and this Great Pyrenees doesn't seem particularly aggressive and the boy stands there and calmly talks to it"

Belle and Sebastien (Belle et Sébastien) trailer

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