Actors: Bubba Smith,David Graf,Michael Winslow,Leslie Easterbrook,Marion Ramsey,Lance Kinsey,Matt McCoy,Bruce Mahler,G.W. Bailey,George Gaynes,Kenneth Mars,Gerrit Graham,George R. Robertson,Brian Seeman,Darwyn Swalve
Genre: Year: 1989
Imdb: click here " If you thought any of the previous movies were stupid, MAN you're gonna love this one! But I do have to say that, like part 5, there are some moments in this one that I distinctly remember loving to death when I was about ten years old, like the scene where the huge bad guy who looks like a lumberjack comes outside with an ice-cream cone with like eight scoops of ice cream stacked up on it and goes, "Oh BOY!" but then takes one lick, pushing it off where it lands with an audible splat on the pavement and he goes, "Crapola!"Okay, so it's not funny in writing"