Actors: Bubba Smith,David Graf,Michael Winslow,Leslie Easterbrook,Marion Ramsey,Lance Kinsey,Matt McCoy,Bruce Mahler,G.W. Bailey,George Gaynes,Kenneth Mars,Gerrit Graham,George R. Robertson,Brian Seeman,Darwyn Swalve
Genre: Year: 1989
Imdb: click here " By the way, as I mentioned in my review of part 5, make sure to watch the little reminiscent documentary that you'll find on the DVD, it might be funnier than anything in the whole movie! Check this out, besides glorifying the movie like it's some overlooked Oscar winner, director Peter Bonerz (my god, can you imagine having THAT name in junior high school?) lists off the numerous references and homaaaaaages that can be found within its pristine contents, including everything from Orson Welles to Hitchcock himself!Sadly, your brain has to be securely in the "off" position in order to enjoy the movie, but it may add to the comedy just to know that some effort was put in to put those references in there!!"