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Watch The Elephant in the Living Room online

Where to watch The Elephant in the Living Room

Actors: Tim Harrison,Terry Brumfield,Russ Clear,Casey Craig,Pat Craig,Zuzana Kukol,Raymond Little,Scott Shoemaker,Bill Stiffler
Year: 2010
Imdb: click here

" Having been the person answering the phone for more than five years at a non-profit exotic animal sanctuary whose mission is to provide permanent 'end of life' care to captive-raised, non-domestic animals like those depicted in the film, I know what he says to be true! We, too, field more than 100 requests each year to 'adopt', or graciously accept private owners' "donations" (such a grand term for dumping their burdens on us) of their grown-up big cats, monkeys, iguanas, pythons, giant tortoises, bears, and other non-domestic 'pets'"

The Elephant in the Living Room trailer

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