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Watch Quest for a Heart (Röllin sydän) online

Where to watch Quest for a Heart (Röllin sydän)

Actors: Allan Tuppurainen,Saija Lentonen,Aarre Karén,Matti Ranin,Jyrki Kovaleff,Pekka Lehtosaari,Esa Saario,Maria Järvenhelmi,Tom Pöysti,Antti Pääkkönen,Jarmo Mäkinen,Aleksi Raij,Ilkka Kiukas,Janne Kopu,Mikko Tenhunen
Year: 2007
Imdb: click here

" Just as an Asterix film doesn't work without the zaniness of real animation, it's simply not the same without Allu Tuppurainen physically doing the performance for Rölli"

Quest for a Heart (Röllin sydän) trailer

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