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Watch Days Of Darkness online

Where to watch Days Of Darkness

Actors: Tom Eplin,Sabrina Gennarino,Travis Brorsen,Roshelle Baier,John Lee Ames,Bryan Rasmussen,Eric Stuart,Chris Ivan Cevic,Marian Tomas Griffin,Ashley Elizabeth Pierce,William Cannon,Pieter Gaspersz,Jason Jensen
Year: 2007
Imdb: click here

" I still thought it was worthwhile, it has some decent effects and although there are quite some inconsistencies and rather "illogical" behavior, you have moments where you just can't help liking the characters (especially when they have to put on a shirt with a "message" on them! (you'll know what I mean, if you watch the movie) It's not too gory or too scary though and hints of social criticism never survive (no pun intended) the first ten minutes of the film"

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