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Watch Shadows of a Hot Summer (Stíny horkého léta) online

Where to watch Shadows of a Hot Summer (Stíny horkého léta)

Actors: Juraj Kukura,Marta Vancurová,Gustáv Valach,Václav Babka,Jirí Bartoska,Karel Chromík,Jana Dockalová,Jana Hlináková,Karel Hovorka,Václav Kovárík,Andrea Kratochvilová,Peter Krsak,Ludovít Króner,Augustín Kubán,Zdenek Kutil
Year: 1978
Imdb: click here

" This farmhouse under occupation represents a country under occupation, all feel like helpless victims where every moment is spent in fear, any minute things could spin helplessly out of control, and this film skillfully gets under everyone's skin"

Shadows of a Hot Summer (Stíny horkého léta) trailer

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