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Watch The Inheritors (Siebtelbauern, Die) online

Where to watch The Inheritors (Siebtelbauern, Die)

Actors: Simon Schwarz,Sophie Rois,Lars Rudolph,Tilo Prückner,Ulrich Wildgruber,Julia Gschnitzer,Susanne Silverio,Kirstin Schwab,Werner Prinz,Dietmar Nigsch,Elisabeth Orth,Christoph Gusenbauer,Gertraud Mayböck,Norbert Perchtold,Michael Pogo Kreiner
Year: 1998
Imdb: click here

"When an old "Bauer" is found dead, his highly unusual "last Will and Testament" puts in motion an avalanche of events, and many dirty old secrets are unearthed, causing an uproar in the small community of landowners and peasants"

The Inheritors (Siebtelbauern, Die) trailer

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