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Watch Child's Pose online

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Actors: Luminita Gheorghiu,Bogdan Dumitrache,Natasa Raab,Ilinca Goia,Florin Zamfirescu,Vlad Ivanov,Mimi Branescu,Cerasela Iosifescu,Adrian Titieni,Tania Popa,Leontina Vaduva,Ion Grosu,Oxana Moravec,Mihai Dorobantu,Nicolae Scarlat
Year: 2013
Imdb: click here

"The strength of the film lies in the ambiguity of its characters, foremost Luminiţa Gheorghiu's Cornelia, which she brilliantly portrays as a vicious self-obsessed diva totally immune to the plight of others, and who is still thoroughly devoted to her son"

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