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Watch Resurrecting the Street Walker online

Where to watch Resurrecting the Street Walker

Actors: Tom Shaw,Lorna Beckett,Aaronita Carlton,Gregory Duke,Joanne Ferguson,Christina Helena,Molly Jackson,Gwilym Lloyd,Gwilym Lloyd,Gloria Onitiri,Mia Perovetz,Emma Pollard,James Powell,Susan Stanley,John Webber
Year: 2009
Imdb: click here

" Not in a visual sense, but an abstract one - You have the real director of the film making a movie about a director of a film who is inspired to complete the production of a film where the "real" director of that "real" (movie-world) film was making a movie about a director who used movie-making as a pretext for trapping and killing his victims"

Resurrecting the Street Walker trailer

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