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Watch Time of Roses (Ruusujen aika) online

Where to watch Time of Roses (Ruusujen aika)

Actors: Arto Tuominen,Ritva Vepsä,Tarja Markus,Eero Keskitalo,Kalle Holmberg,Eila Pehkonen,Matti Lehtelä,Unto Salminen,Paavo Jännes,Aino Lehtimäki,Hilkka Kesti,Allan A. Pyykkö,Jukka Mannerkorpi,Urpo Peltonen,Juhani Jotuni
Year: 1969
Imdb: click here

" There is a modicum of nudity that has relegated this film unfairly to the "softcore exploitation" pigeon hole, even being released by Something Weird Video with English subtitles, a very odd bird in its catalog"

Time of Roses (Ruusujen aika) trailer

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