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Watch The Punk Syndrome (Kovasikajuttu) online

Where to watch The Punk Syndrome (Kovasikajuttu)

Actors: Pertti Kurikka,Kari Aalto,Sami Helle,Toni Välitalo,Kalle Pajamaa,Kyösti Välitalo,Aira Välitalo,Sirkka Leikola,Jari Nordström,Niila Suoranta,Ahti Aalto,Markku Aalto,Pentti Arajärvi,Tarja Halonen,Satu Heikkilä
Year: 2012
Imdb: click here

" We usually don't see the everyday life of mentally disabled in documentaries, and even more rare are the times they are seen expressing their thoughts, loves and frustrations through rough rock music"

The Punk Syndrome (Kovasikajuttu) trailer

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