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Watch Escuela de seducción online

Where to watch Escuela de seducción

Actors: Victoria Abril,Javier Veiga,Gorka Aguinagalde,Neus Asensi,David Bagés,Pepe Viyuela,Pablo Martín,Petra Martínez,José Manuel Cervino,Rocío Calvo,Daniel Ortiz,Emilio Gutiérrez Caba,Fernando Schwartz,Berta Ojea,Ginés García Millán
Year: 2004
Imdb: click here

"However, the film, instead of focusing on delivering an entertaining screwball comedy, seems to focus more on making the most unapologetic publicity ever seen in recent cinema (a brand of yogurt is not only the name of a character but also a key gag)and on inserting pointless video-clips (two Alejandro Sanz songs for no reason)"

Escuela de seducción trailer

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