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Actors: Hiroaki Aikawa,Cindy Baer,Teagan Bentley,Ester Brym,Cristina Bocchialini,Jesse Brisendine,Andrea Cunningham,Shir Decker,Jaap Dijkstra,Ayman El Gazwy,Boris Grishkevich,Arsen Grigoryan,Jennifer M. Howd,Christopher Brian Heerdt,Jane Haubrich
Year: 2011
Imdb: click here

" The summarization of this project can be found in the words a young teenage girl who vocalizes that, although she went through her whole day with nothing particularly out of the ordinary occurring, merely by partaking in this social experiment and something greater than just her own life, she was left with the feeling that something amazing was happening"

Life in a Day trailer

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