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Watch No Exit (Huis clos) online

Where to watch No Exit (Huis clos)

Actors: Arletty,Frank Villard,Gaby Sylvia,Yves Deniaud,Nicole Courcel,Jean Debucourt,Suzanne Dehelly,Paul Frankeur,Renaud Mary,Jean Murat,Isabelle Pia,Arlette Thomas,Morena Casamance,Michèle Cordoue,Giani Esposito
Year: 1954
Imdb: click here

"She often adapted Colette's works for the screen,but here,she tackles Jean-Paul Sartre ,no less!It's the philosopher's most famous drama (with its immortal sentence :"l'enfer,c'est les autres" (= Hell isother people)"

No Exit (Huis clos) trailer

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