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Where to watch Brothers at War

Actors: Mahmoud Hamid Ali,Edward Allier,Ryan Baker,Zack Corke,Danelle Fields,Ben Fisher,Jason Grundy,Patrick Irvine,David Keniston,Christopher MacKay,Frank McCann,Brandon 'Mongo' Phillips,Claus Rademacher,Isaac Rademacher,Jake Rademacher
Year: 2009
Imdb: click here

" why his brothers are volunteering, why other troops are in the service? (You can only imagine the clapping going on in that theater at the end of the film)Best of all, we lucked out that evening! There was a question / answer period following the 7pm movie premiere we attended: writer/director Jake Rademacher (the 3rd brother); award winning producer Norman Powell and Gary Sinese (known to most as Lt Dan from Forest Gump, starring in CSI-NY, and traveling the world to entertain our troops with his very talented professional band, The Lt Dan Band)"

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