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Watch Beautiful Lies (De vrais mensonges) online

Where to watch Beautiful Lies (De vrais mensonges)

Actors: Audrey Tautou,Nathalie Baye,Sami Bouajila,Stéphanie Lagarde,Judith Chemla,Cécile Boland,Didier Brice,Daniel Duval,Yilin Yang,Qiu Lan,Patrice Bouret,Paul Morgan,Santiago Reyes
Year: 0
Imdb: click here

"Director Pierre Salvadori reunites with actress Audrey Tautou from their earlier collaboration Priceless, but don't get your hopes up too high that Beautiful Lies would be a solid enough follow up especially if you enjoyed their earlier film on how some would fake a relationship or trade love for money"

Beautiful Lies (De vrais mensonges) trailer

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