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Watch The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu (Autobiografia lui Nicolae Ceausescu) online

Where to watch The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu (Autobiografia lui Nicolae Ceausescu)

Actors: Nicolae Ceausescu,Elena Ceausescu,Stefan Andrei,Gheorghe Apostol,Ana Aslan,Ion Avram,Iosif Banc,Eugen Barbu,Elena Barbulescu,Lica Barbulescu,Alexandru Barladeanu,Ion Birlea,Emil Bobu,Emil Bodnaras,Leonid Brezhnev
Year: 2010
Imdb: click here

" Surprisingly, although my knowledge of recent Romanian history is fairly limited, there was little actual information in the the events and moments portrayed which I was unfamiliar with"

The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu (Autobiografia lui Nicolae Ceausescu) trailer

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